Favorites from this Week- Low Tide, Green Guru, and our Tornado Angel
1. Low Tide
Seattle Aquarium does these amazing events where their employees will come hang out on a beach at low tide and tell people about the creatures they can find. I just think this is the coolest. It wasn't a huge hit with a toddler, but he did enjoy throwing rocks in the water and watching the trains, so he still had a good morning. And his toddler buddy had a great time (she was so cute!), so I think it depends on the kid. Mostly, I am happy to live in a city where there are lots of adventures to be had, so he never really questions why no new toys are bought. You may have fewer options where you live, but I bet if you poke around you will find some fun stuff you would have never thought to try. And there are tons of cool lists out there for summer bucket lists for toddlers, so there is always another option to try before the toy aisle in Target.
And no matter what, helping your kiddos get outside and fall in love with the natural world around them is so important for their happiness and their future as the stewards of this place. Time outside is always well-spent time.
2. Terracycle Takes Cereal Bags
ALERT! Your seemingly unfixable eco-crappiness may still be redeemable. Just read today that you can terracycle the pesky bags inside cereal boxes (I have given them up, but The Boy loves his bran flakes and raisins. And the little ones love Cheerios almost as much as we hate them). Terracycle is still a bummer in some ways, because recycling is not nearly as successful as just not making the waste in the first place. But it still feels like a waste-free angel to even have an option.
Also, want to do something great for the world you are living in? Check this site out and see what you could be terracycling. Bonus points if you can set things up in a collective spot and help others as well!
3. Peas and Asparagus Salad
We tried a new salad this week that was relatively simple, but it was really delicious. Salads that aren't lettuce with a tomato and piece of cucumber all still seem fancy to me, but I like that our quest to cut down on meat is leading us to some new cool stuff. Also, shallots. Shallots are like if onion and garlic had a baby, and I love it.
4. Green Guru
I am on the hunt for Made in America and eco-friendly carry on luggage (let's just not talk about how it is going), but I did find this company Green Guru, which has diverted 500,000 lbs of material out of landfill and turned it into cool outdoorsy backpacks and bike gear. I am not outdoorsy, but I love them. Also really like Tom Bihn, but I don't think we can afford him!5. Visits from my Mom
She comes in like a tornado and leaves like a tornado, but in her 24 hour visits, she pulls us back up and makes us feel empowered to keep being grown ups, even though being grown ups is the worst. She is living proof that the best thing you can give someone is your presence (also, giving infant parents a night off so they can sleep makes you a saint). The Bub and the Bear eat up time with her, and I am just so glad we got 23 hours and 30 minutes with her.6. Seed Bombs
I am obsessed with seed bombs and plantable paper as a party favor or decoration (so much cooler than anything else I have seen), but I wasn't planning on making it, just buying it. This week, I read a tutorial from Joybilee Farm on how to make them yourself, and it looks so easy! Debating whether we could do this as Christmas ornament gifts this year.What green discoveries have you made lately? Have a great week!