Meatless Monday- Gnocchi with Veggie Sauce

by - Monday, January 23, 2017

One of our big goals for 2017 is to really get going on Meatless Monday. We are never going to be a vegetarian household, but like so many people, we could stand to get a little more meat out of our diet for our health and the Earth's. Meat, come at a shockingly high environmental cost. They use so much water, create so much waste (including plastic), and emit a lot of greenhouse gases. Beef uses 11 times the water and produces 5 times the greenhouse gases of other animal proteins, so if you want the most bang for your environmental buck, that is where to start. 

So, we are devoting one day a week to vegetarian meals. We have been doing this a while, but we don't honestly have a lot of vegetarian recipes in our arsenal, so I thought I would share some of our attempts and successes with you. My husband is an awesome cook, so I know we will find some good stuff to share. 

meatless monday vegetable sauce gnocchi

 I love gnocchi, and they make me so happy, because I feel l like our kids can help make it in no time. We got our recipe from the Cook's Illustrated cookbook (Amazon has 65 used ones for sale, but you may be able to find it in bookstores or cooking stores as well), and those guys are both geniuses and super litigious, so if you ant to follow suit, I highly recommend the cookbook.


For Gnocchi- potatoes, flour, and an egg 
For Sauce
3 Roma tomatoes destemmed
8 cloves of garlic, minced
1 green pepper, diced (1+ cup)
1/3 red onion diced (1/2 cup)
zucchini, cut into half moons
1/4 tsp red pepper
Olive Oil
1/4 cup parmesan cheese

 1. Put 2 tbsp olive oil on medium heat, add 1/4 tsp crushed red pepper

meatless monday vegetable sauce gnocchi pepper onion

2. Saute green pepers for 23 minutes until slightly soft. Then add red onion- saute 1 minute. Add garlic- saute for a minute or two.

meatless monday vegetable sauce gnocchi zucchini pepper onion

 3. Add zucchini

meatless monday vegetable sauce gnocchi pan

4. Sear tomatoes and squeeze juice in. Lower the heat and cover. 

meatless monday vegetable sauce gnocchi tomatoes pan
 5. Once tomatoes are soft, crush them down with a soiin. Add oregano, 1 tsp dried basil, and whole basil leaves.

meatless monday vegetable sauce gnocchi rolled

6. While sauce simmers down, Make and cook gnocchi. 

meatless monday vegetable sauce gnocchi pan

7. Blend the sauce and add more parmesan and spices to taste. Mix with gnocchi, serve.

Thoughts- Again, recipes that lean on tomatoes don't make a ton of sense in January. The Boy leaned heavily on cheese, and he says if he did it again he would probably use less. I thought it was delicious, and I think gnocchi is a pretty kickass addition to any kitchen's repetoire. Add a punch of seasonal veggies and you are basically good. Will definitely be doing this one again soon.

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