Something to Feel Good About- Open Doors
"And the crowds asked him, “What then shall we do?” And he answered them, 'Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.'" - Luke 3:10-11
I have still been thinking about/ praying for the students in Kenya (and their families) who were massacred for being Christian. It is clear that it is becoming more and more dangerous to believe in Christ in certain parts of the world, and it feels like we should be able to do more to help. When The Boy and I went on our honeymoon in Kenya, we were so moved by our family's church where faith and cross-cultural understanding seemed so strong. It breaks my heart to think those people have to live in fear daily for themselves and for their children because of the threat of violence.
I feel like the only way to fight this hatred is with love and hope, and organizations like Open Doors are doing just that. You can read for specific prayer requests, volunteer to create cross-denominational coalitions to support these millions of people, write world leaders to urge them to do more against these dangerous organizations like Isis, and donate money to help Open Doors with its wide-reaching cause. Maybe you will feel like me that we can do more to help our brothers and sisters around the world, and this is a good platform to do so.
We have to support the people there and those who are ministering to them even though it puts them in danger every day.