Bumpwatch: Week 17
How Far Along: 17 Weeks
Best Moment of the
Week:We visited my brother and his fancy in LA, and furing the trip we went to the LA Zoo. Beyond getting to see lots of things in cages and taking bets on how much defecation we could spot in one day, we got to see lots of very small children being excited about things. One little girl was constantly yelling for her brother in Spanish because she had some thing exciting to show him. Watching that makes me excited for a few years from now, when we can watch our kid hopefully get really excited at a fun trip like that. Also, have public meltdowns, but I don't have to worry about that part yet, right?
Most Interesting
Prego Quirk: Someone poked my belly for the first time! My cousin Eli poked me in the belly with one finger, like I was the pillsubry doughboy. Clearly, I am not, or I would have eaten my carby self by now. Still, I appreciated the gesture.
I Would Really
Like Some: Clam Chowder. This has nothing to do with pregnancy, but more that Seattle-style clamchowder is extremely heavy and ham-y? Like they just boil the bacon, and it is too much pork taste to catch anything else? Anyway, I have been asking for clam chowder for weeks, because clams and ham are not the same, no matter how well they rhyme.
Bizarro Thing No
One Warned me About: Just how fit pregos can be. Eli told me he has had pregos come in and do crossfit right up until giving birth. Thanks a bunch ladies, you are putting my complaining about walking around a zoo into some pretty harsh perspective!
And The Boy?: I have been getting blisters from new replacement flats that are getting worn in. Just a normal part of life, right? He put band-aids in his wallet for the trip because he knew I wouldn't pack enough. This is why I know our child will most likely survive us.
Looking Forward
to: Starting on the baby's room. I bought my first accessory for the room this week, so I am looking forward to it arriving and really hatching a plan.