My Goals for 2016

by - Friday, January 15, 2016

Rested and ready to take on another year!

1. Get Better at Small Talk- I leave the lion's share of my conversations feeling like I somehow messed that up. Too awkward! I didn't ask enough questions! Why couldn't I think of the name of that sandwich! Because I genuinely suck at small talk, I tend to avoid it. But not this year! My goal is to have a positive-ish conversation with an acquaintance or stranger at least once a day. Furniture does not count. Neither does talking to my brother. I am starting with this because it is a HARD resolution. I may need to change it to neutral-ish or at least I tried-ish.

I feel like it has become too easy to stare at my phone or bub to stave off human contact. But it doesn't make my life or the world any better. Not to mention, you can't improve a skill by not using it. Today, I had an awkward conversation with an old Peps member at Home Depot. Well done! We'll take it! By December, it will sound like Oscar Wilde wrote my dialogue. Or at least I will embarrass myself slightly less.

2. Music Playlists Every Month- I can't handle our house just being quiet, because there is nothing else to do but listen to myself try to talk to my baby. It's time to stop having the quiet buzz of the Dowager Countess and Mary Berry on every day (The Bub will mistake Laura Linney for his mother). I want to surround our family with lots of music, like I had when I grew up, so I need to make those playlists!

3. Step up the Blog- I know I mention this goal pretty often, but I love what I have been writing about lately and I would like to have a snazzier design (not too snazzy) and more substantive content. I just want to make it better! Any suggestions you would like to see more of?

4. Leap into my 30's with Style- Weirdly, I don't dread turning 30. I had three big goals by this birthday (family, six continents, PhD), and I succeeded at two of the three. I got in there and did my 20's so I don't harbor any regrets. I also feel like my mom really hit her gorgeousness in her 30's, so I am basically looking forward to getting really good-looking (so keep an eye out for that, before I begin my modeling career). That being said, I would like to celebrate the crap out of my birthday. I want to treat it all as a good and exciting thing, not something to ignore or breeze through.

5. Have More Small Adventures- Post-partum really slowed me down in 2015, so I am anticipating a more adventurous year with the Bub in tow. I still have lots of Seattle and Washington to see, and I want to make lots of great memories this year.

6. Keep Greening that Thumb- This is the year we really get going on growing our own veggies and herbs. So far, I find some of this gardening stuff pretty zen, so I hope I can keep it up and start providing our family some super fresh food! Also, entertainment as I try to figure it out.

7. Only Buy All-American or Used Clothing- There are so many types of shopping where this isn't possible, but I truly believe I can dress my whole family for a year without buying one unethical items. And we love clothes. I think I can even figure out shoes, which might be a small miracle. I will let you know how it does along the way, but I am pumped to take on the challenge. In some years, I hope everything in my closet is more eco-friendly. I remain hopeful I can do this for most everything we buy, but at least for now it feels like fun, almost like a game.

8. Make More and Read More- Easier said than done, and I don't spend much time with my hands free, but it sure would be nice to branch out a little more this year. I feel like these are the things that go to the wayside first, but that it really matters in who I am.

9. Get More Sleep- Simple, right? Especially with all of these new things on my to do list! Well, maybe not so much, but I would like to add rest to my list of priorities. If I get less done, I get less done!

10. Enjoy it- I', ready to focus on the moment, doing more good, and being grateful. Because life is pretty amazing right now.

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