An Outdoor Project Inspired by Andy Goldsworthy that Kids Can Do at Home
Looking for some inspiration to get creative this week? I am going to try to share a project idea for all the parents out of ideas!
I teach art history for kids, with the hope that the art making and observing will also lead to a higher sense of citizenship and environmental stewardship. I know it sounds out there, but it works. The more we see and appreciate, the more we want to take care of what is around us. When you regularly make things yourself, you are less willing to destroy even natural creations. I am sharing more of my projects because I know lots of parents out there are exhausted, and they need some cool ideas for activities and learning with their kids of a wide range of ages.
Enjoy the beautiful weather and make art outside with Andy Goldsworthy! Andy Goldworthy is a famous Scottish land artist who makes surreal land art pieces that kids love to look at. You can use his art as an inspiration for your next outdoor adventure. This project has been a hit with classes of all sorts of ages (even adults), and it can help you celebrate that same outdoor space in a new way. It's simple, zero waste, and you don't need to buy anything to do it.
1. Feast your eyes on Goldsworthy's ephemeral land art. We have a retrospective book my kids love rifling through, but you can also do an image search online or check out YouTube. I like this one and this one. Be sure to see his work with leaves and his mind-blowing ice sculptures. If you are looking with kids, just see what they notice!
2. Go out to green space and collect your own "art supplies." Sticks, stones, leaves, flowers- it all works! Encourage finding a variety of sizes, colors, and objects.
3. Find a space to make your artwork. It can be flat, roots of a tree, whatever makes them excited! Talk about how to use the space around them, but don't be surprised if they want their own flat space to use- they mostly look for something kind of like paper!
4. Sort your art supplies. Leave it open ended- sorting by size or color or type are all good methods! If they run out of steam, get involved, but let them start the sorting.
5. Time to arrange! I've seen mandalas, butterflies, monsters, wreaths- it's all good! Let your artist lead. If they need help getting started, make a small shape and ask them to help you add to it.
6. You can keep repeating! Take a picture of a finished product and do another one! If you want to introduce new language, you can talk about ephemerality- what is going to happen to this art when you leave it?
Ok! This was fun to even just write about! It's a great way to combine outside time and creative learning. I love projects that help us see nature in another way. If you try it out, be sure to take a picture and share it with me!
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