The Best Etsy Stores for Christmas Stockings

by - Wednesday, November 14, 2018

I want to keep highlighting amazing makers in the US, and I feel like my Etsy links can get caught in the more mainstream shuffle. So starting a series to focus on the greatest stuff we have found. 

This week, the blog is going to be all about stockings and stocking stuffers. The stocking, when done right, is really the best part of Christmas morning, and if we are cutting our regular gifts down to one or two, then the majority of our items will actually be in the stocking. Can you make a totally eco-friendly stocking? Oh yeah! But let's start with some fun ideas for the sock first. 

etsy moose stocking allenbrite

1. Allenbrite Studio 

(Iowa). When we first got married, The Boy and I bought two of these adorable stockings for our house. Now we use the amazing ones his mother made us and our kids, but I still have a serious soft spot for this store and their stockings. These stockings aren't gigantic either, which makes them perfect for more thoughtful and minimalist gifting.  Also, they do all sorts of dogs, so check them out if you want a pet stocking. 

knit stocking by the fireplace eugenie2 etsy

2. Eugenie2 

(Florida) makes these lovely knit stockings that would be great if you have chic and kitschy taste at once. Like a classy Christmas sweater made into a stocking. If you have the knitting skills, you can find patterns too.

rejoice stocking quilted handmade pretties etsy

3. Handmade Pretties 

(Iowa) make quilted stockings that remind me of the ones my Grammy made us as kids. So I am in love with them. If you think you have got this, you can find all sorts of patterns on Etsy as well.

burlap stockings by the fireplace pink slip inspiration etsy

4. Pink Slip Inspiration 

(San Diego) makes the most sophisticated stockings I have seen anywhere. Pretty girly, but I think in a good way. Angie and Lois and Westin House Design sell gorgeous and sophisticated stockings as well.

5. Three Schatze 

(Illinois) makes modern stockings with fun and quirky prints. The prints are very on trend, so just make sure you pick things that really fit so you can get lots of years of use.

The Best Etsy Stores for Christmas Stockings

Want even more eco-friendly and local shopping inspiration? Check out my Giant List of Ethical and Eco-Friendly Shopping Lists

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