Tortellini Soup for Meatless Monday
It's February, and we are still going strong on our vegetarian eating one day a week! How is everyone else doing? Just remember, even changing one meal a week can have a positive environmental impact! Meat, come at a shockingly high cost for the earth around us. Producing meat products uses so much water, create so much waste (including plastic), and emits a lot of greenhouse gases.
Beef uses 11 times the water and produces 5 times the greenhouse gases of other animal proteins, so if you want the most bang for your environmental buck, that is where to start.
We are still looking for vegetarian recipes to add to our arsenal, so I thought I would share some of our attempts and successes with you. My husband is an awesome cook, so I know we will find some good stuff to share.
You can check out the source recipe here.
Other options definitely exist, and honestly it would still be good with regular pasta if you don't have any other options for pre-made raviolis or tortellinis.