Meatless Monday- Roasted Winter Veggies

by - Monday, January 30, 2017

One of our big goals for 2017 is to really get going on Meatless Monday. We are never going to be a vegetarian household, but like so many people, we could stand to get a little more meat out of our diet for our health and the Earth's. Meat, come at a shockingly high environmental cost. They use so much water, create so much waste (including plastic), and emit a lot of greenhouse gases. Beef uses 11 times the water and produces 5 times the greenhouse gases of other animal proteins, so if you want the most bang for your environmental buck, that is where to start. 

So, we are devoting one day a week to vegetarian meals. We have been doing this a while, but we don't honestly have a lot of vegetarian recipes in our arsenal, so I thought I would share some of our attempts and successes with you. My husband is an awesome cook, so I know we will find some good stuff to share. 

winter vegetables and salmon hash

Ok, this week we are really pushing the limits on what constitutes "meatless," but I have heard from someone that they are trying to do more fish and less meat. So these are The Boy's roasted veggies (basically my favorite thing in the world right now). I think they stand pretty well on their own as a meal, but we turned them into a salmon hash if you want some ideas of how to make your fish more interesting. But really, you could do the hash without the salmon, and it would still be the best ever. Let's get to it. 

beets, rutabega, dill, parsnip, yogurt, salmon

1 cup diced carrot
1/2 red onion, chopped
2 cups chopped brussel sprouts
3 cup chopped potato
2 cup chopped red beet
1 cup chopped golden beet
2 cup chopped rutabega

1 tbsp oreggano
1/2 tsp dried dill
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp kosher salt
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tsp pepper

For Salmon Hash Sauce
1/4 cup greek yogurt
1 tbsp dijon mustard
2 tbsp chopped fresh dill


pyrex filled with brussel sprouts and onionspyrex with potatoes and beets

 1. Cut everything. It takes a while. Attempt about equally-sized pieces.

2. Boil potatoes, beets, rutabega, etc for about ten minutes to soften. Pre-heat oven to 425.

3. Mix everything together. The Boy does this in a big pot. This recipe makes a LOT so only roast what you need. Portion and freeze the rest. If you freeze them after roasting, it doesn't go as well. Add your herbs.

salmon hash with winter vegetables

4. Cook in oven at 425 for 40 to 50 minutes, flipping every ten minutes or so. 

To make the Salmon Hash

dill yogurt sauce

1. Use 4 cups of roasted winter veggies

2. Heat 1 tbsp vegetable oil over medium-high

3. Mix yogurt, dill, and mustard in small bowl

 4. Cut salmon into cubes. Cook 2 cups of salmon cubes for 2 minutes. Add veggies and heat high.

5. Turn off heat. Stir in sauce.

salmon hash with winter vegetables

It didn't photograph that well, but the pink salmon and the red beets with all the green veggies makes this one of the prettiest meals we have ever eaten in this house. 

Thought afterwards- This is a combination of two favorite recipes, so the salmon hash is a definite winner. The nice thing about the roasted veggies is you can really use whatever root veggies are local to you, which means you can still eat something relatively fresh and local in January. Plus, you can try out the veggies you don't always use like rutabega and parsnips. We are going to use more of these soon I hope!

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